

Dragi posjetitelji,

srdačno vas pozdravljam na službenim web stranicama Grada Ivanca. Potrudili smo se obogatiti ih nizom sveobuhvatnih podataka o Ivancu, gradskoj upravi i njenu radu, o projektima i programima, a sve to s naročitim naglaskom na poslovne baze podataka i informacije koje - u duhu činjenice da je Ivanec među malobrojnim gradovima u Hrvatskoj koji posjeduju BFC znak (Business Friendly Certificate) – mogu svim poslovnim subjektima biti brz i pouzdan poslovni vodič. 

Uz podatke o poslovnim i kulturno – turističkim i drugim kapacitetima, zanimljive i korisne informacije (o povijesti grada, kulturi, civilnim udrugama, sportu), ovdje mogu naći i svi oni koji o „gradu poleg jedne vel'ke gore“ i njegovim stanovnicima žele doznati više.

Svakodnevnim aktualiziranjem gradskog portala novostima i informacijama iz rada gradskih upravnih odjela te ponajvažnijim informacijama iz rada gradskih tvrtki i udruga, web stranice Grada Ivanca koristan su, vrlo transparentan i živ izvor podataka o Ivancu i svemu što on svojim građanima, posjetiteljima i potencijalnim ulagačima može ponuditi. 

Ivanec je danas grad velikih i ambicioznih razvojnih projekata, drugi po veličini grad u Varaždinskoj županiji i urbano središte zapadnog dijela regije, grad koji se ubrzano mijenja i postaje izazov ne samo nama, Ivančanima, već i svima koji naš grad žele upoznati. 

Ivanečka gradska uprava po svojoj je transparentnosti rada u samom hrvatskom vrhu i takvi namjeravamo ostati i dalje. Stoga pozivam i vas, poštovani građani, da nam svojim prijedlozima, idejama i komentarima pomognete da ovaj web portal bude još sveobuhvatniji, informativniji i bolji. 

Milorad Batinić,

Dear visitors

I sincerely greet you at the official town's website. We are trying to enrich this site with a range of comprehensive data about Ivanec, its town administration and its work on projects and programs - all with special emphasis on the business database and information that - in the spirit of the fact that Ivanec is among the few cities in Croatia which has a BFC sign (Business Friendly Certificate). This means fast and reliable business guide for all business entities. 

In addition to data about the business, cultural and tourist capacities - interesting and useful information (about the town history, culture, civil organizations and sports) can be found here. 

Town's website is being updated daily with important news and information from the operations of the administrative departments, city companies and associations. This website is very useful and offers a transparent source of information about Ivanec to its citizens, visitors and potential investors.
Ivanec today is a town of great and ambitious development projects, the second largest town in Varaždin County and the urban center of the western part of the region. It is a town that is changing rapidly, and this is also becoming a challenge, not only to us - Ivanec residents - but also to all who wish to learn more about our place. 

Ivanec town administration is by its transparency work in the Croatian top and such we intend to to stay there. I am inviting you, dear citizens, to tell us your suggestions, ideas and comments to help this website become more comprehensive, more informative and therefore - better. 

Milorad Batinić
